Courses and workshops
Different professions and disciplines engage with children on different levels. As part of communication with children, a professional may decide to use the power of play as a medium of engagement. Professionals trained in occupations typically accommodating children might add value to their professions.
Different disciplines deal with traumatised children. With the skills they integrate as part of their equipment they use the power of play not only to communicate with the child but to engender them to optimal use their own potential of what they can be. With the knowledge that course members gained in their pre studies and also in the level one course they will be able to channel the underlying meanings for needs, wishes and behaviour both inside and outside the play room. The practitioner will understand and respect the uniqueness of the child in a natural way without any pretentions from the child’s side. Interpretation and assumptions will be lessened by the mutual awareness of just playing. In doing this the practitioner will be able to bring the child and him/herself into the present moment. – What a gift! Children always play for and with a reason. It will be in this moment that the child can get the message or the permission from the practitioner just to be.
Who can attend the training?
The Centre for Play Therapy and Training courses are aimed at Social Workers, Psychologists, registered counselors, educators trained in learner support and psycho-social support, and Occupational Therapists who, in their scope of practice engage with children. It is aimed at the professional with at least a recognised undergraduate degree or in their final stages of bachelor studies equivalent to NQF level 6. It offers valuable additional information for practitioners already in practice working with children in various settings. It does not allow educators to follow a stand-alone career as play therapists but will equip them to, in their day-to-day work, address needs typically within the scope of work for psycho-social support or learner support.
The following would be advantageous when enrolling for this training:
• Basic knowledge of child development: Play-based interventions are often used with children, so having a solid understanding of developmental milestones and stages can be helpful in tailoring interventions to meet a child’s needs.
• Familiarity with child-centered approaches: Play-based interventions are often child-centered, meaning that the focus is on the child’s needs and interests. Understanding how to create a safe and supportive environment for the child can be important in facilitating effective communication.
• Communication skills: Play-based interventions often involve communication with parents, teachers, and other professionals involved in the child’s care. Good communication skills can be helpful in building relationships and collaborating effectively.
• Personal qualities: Patience, empathy, and a genuine interest in working with children are all important qualities for someone interested in training in play-based interventions. These qualities can help in creating a positive relationship with the child and in developing effective interventions.
CPD Accreditation
Play Therapy Level 1 and Level 2 are CPD accredited with SACSSP, SAAP and we are awaiting HPCSA specified accreditation numbers and accreditation which are assigned on a yearly basis.
2025: Both courses are accredited with SACSSP and the HPCSA Cross Professional Board (Awaiting 2025 accreditation dates and numbers).
CPD Points for Level 1 : 24
Approval date: 19 March 2024 to 19 March 2025
Approval number: 102/2024
CPD Points for Level 2 : 25
Approval date: 19 March 2024 to 19 March 2025
Approval number: 201/2024
Upon completion of every course or workshop the course members receive certificates digitally signed by Dr Hannie Schoeman, with their names printed, the CPD points and accreditation number, as well as the dates the course member started and completed the course.
The physical courses and the online courses are the same price.
When registering and paying for both levels you qualify for a complimentary hard copy of the book : A GESTALT INTERVENTION FRAMEWORK FOR PLAY PRACTITIONERS (500 pages, Retail price R599.00). The book is required for Level 2.
Online Courses
Gestalt Intervention Level 1
In this Gestalt Intervention Level 1 foundation course the participant is brought into awareness about the self so that, with their own uniqueness and stabilization of a therapeutic relationship, the forms of play as well as gestalt techniques can be integrated. The course includes a PDF study guide, which can be downloaded.
About the Level 1 course Level 1 Curriculum
Gestalt Intervention Level 2
In this Gestalt Intervention Framework Level 2 course the participant receives a working structure to make them aware of how to bring the child to a full awareness of his or her own behaviour. The Gestalt Intervention Framework is integrated in Level 2.
About the Level 2 course Level 2 Curriculum
In-Person Courses
Play Therapy Level 1
In this hands-on Level 1 foundation course the participant is brought into awareness about the self so that, with their own uniqueness and stabilization of a therapeutic relationship, the forms of play as well as gestalt techniques can be integrated. The Gestalt approach followed in this courses is enriching a person’s self insight, perception about the self and the way they are finding themselves in the world. Read more
Play Therapy Level 2
The Course participant works in the Intervention Framework created by the author to assist them to bring the child to a full awareness of their own behaviour. The practitioner gains a clear workable format in how to address the child to develop their potential in handling challenges in the world around the self with more and better skills for the challenges they need to face. This is a practical workshop which guides course members to a deeper level of theoretical integration and practical hands-on techniques more elaborated than in Level 1. Read more
Annual Courses
Service Learning Programme (SLP)
An opportunity of a lifetime to participate in this 10 workday program to integrate the knowledge grounded by Level 1 and 2 and to gain practical experience and receive live supervision every alternate day on the previous day’s intervention.
Forty two hours of training is not enough to give the practitioner the equipment of practical experience. For this reason the SLP (Service Learning Programme) was introduced. For the course member it is offering that extra mile to have hands on learning experience in real life.
Service Learning Programme (SLP) is a joint venture between the Centre for Play Therapy and Training and the Overberg Educational District, Western Cape. Awaiting confirmation for dates. Read more